Historical information.
This plantation was initially planted in Year 1880.This estate consists of 09 divisions and the name of the divisions are as follows.
Ampittiakande - Initially established.
Deaculla lower - Deaculla Estate had been amalgamated-Period not known.This was a separate Estate.
Catton -Division of Poonagala was amalgamated around in 1980.
Mahakande - Estate with 03 divisions such as Mahakande.
Malvern - Malvern was amalgamated in Year 2003.
Arhall - Arhall was amalgamated in Year 2003.
Koslanda - Koslanda Estate with 03 divisions such as Koslanda, Meeriyabedda, and Ambaragalla was amulgamated in April 2009.
Meeriyabedda - ------------------do-----------------------
Ambaragalla - -------------------do-----------------------
Koslanda Estate and Factory was doing organic Tea till 31/03/2009 and now this has been converted as conventional tea.
The total cultivated extent of this estate is 489.08 HCT.
Ampittiakande division-1219- 1524 Meters
Lower Division - 1067-1372 Meters
Catton Division - 1219- 1432 Meters
Factory- 1235 Meters
Mahakande 03 Divisions- 1061-1356 Meters
Koslanda 03 Divisions- 800 Meters
Ampittiakande get the monsoon of East/West.